
Geometry Homeschool Materials

20 Products

Geometry Math-U-See - Live Online Course

Math-U-See Geometry meets the Geometry requirement for the VSA Associate and Standard Level diploma only.


Geometry Math-U-See - Live Online Course

This geometry course is the study of plane and solid figures on the basis of axioms and theorems as well as the measurement of the earth in terms of points, lines, line segments, rays, angles, and planes. This course requires students to focus on logical proof and critical thinking when solving p...


Geometry Saxon - Live Online Course

In this Live Online Course students will cover triangle congruence, postulates and theorems, surface area and volume, two-column proofs, vector addition, and slopes and equations of lines.

(Recommended for grade 8. May be taken in grades 8-12.)


Geometry - Live Online Course

In this Live Online Course which focuses on teaching students logical methods, students will study plane and solid geometry.

(Recommended for grade 8. May be taken in grades 8-12.)


Geometry Math-U-See You Teach Kit

The Geometry Math-U-See - You Teach Kit contains everything you need to teach Geometry - Math-U-See from the comfort of your own home. With an exciting curriculum both children and parents love, homeschooling has never been easier!


Geometry - You Teach Kit

The course kit includes all the materials for the teacher and a student for teaching Geometry.

Geometry - Saxon - Live Course Kit

The course kit includes all the student materials for teaching Geometry with Saxon.

Geometry - Live Course Kit

Geometry - Live Course Kit contains the materials each student will need to take the Veritas Scholars Academy live course.

Geometry Math-U-See Live Course Kit


Math-U-See Geometry Student Pack

The Math-U-See GeometryStudent Pack contains the student workbook with lesson-by-lesson worksheets, review pages, and honors pages. It also includes the Geometry Tests.


Math-U-See Geometry Universal Set

Geometry is a subject that develops students' reasoning skills, and Math-U-See's multisensory, mastery approach to learning is an especially good option for learners who struggle with abstract concepts. The Math-U-See Geometry Universal Set contains everything you need for a successful e...


Geometry: Seeing, Doing, Understanding DVD Instruction

Let Dr. Callahan guide your student through the Jacobs geometry course in a lighthearted, down-to-earth style. Geometry: Seeing, Doing, Understanding DVD Instruction includes approximately four hours of teaching by Dr. Dale Callahan, a longtime university professor, homeschool dad, and m...


Geometry: Seeing, Doing, Understanding Student Text by Jacobs

The unique instructional method within Geometry: Seeing, Doing, Understanding Student Text by Jacobs ensures students understand both the "why" and "how" of geometry. The 3rd edition's full-color text guides students to interact with concepts using real-world examples, ensuring they'll k...


Saxon Geometry Homeschool Kit with Solutions Manual

If your geometry student is more of a concrete thinker, thrives on repetition, or might struggle with more complex mathematical concepts, Saxon could be a great fit. The Saxon Geometry Homeschool Kit with Solutions Manual, containing the student text, testing book, and solutions...


Saxon Calculus, Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry Homeschool Kit with Solutions Manual

The Saxon Calculus, Trigonometry, and Analytic Geometry Homeschool Kit with Solutions Manual comprises the student text, testing book with answer key, and a solutions manual with worked solutions to every problem in the textbook. Employing incremental instruction and continuous review, t...


Saxon Calculus, Trigonometry, and Analytic Geometry Solutions Manual

Seeing step-by-step how to arrive at a correct answer is an indispensable help to both teacher and student. This 2nd edition of Saxon Calculus, Trigonometry, and Analytic Geometry Solutions Manual provides those walk-through solutions to every problem in the course.


Saxon Geometry Student Text

If your scholar is more of a concrete thinker, thrives on repetition, or struggles with more complex mathematical concepts, Saxon could be a great fit for geometry. The Saxon Geometry Student Text presents new material with an intentionally incremental approach and provides cont...


Saxon Geometry Homeschool Testing Book

If your scholar is more of a concrete thinker, thrives on repetition, or struggles with more complex mathematical concepts, Saxon could be a great fit for geometry. The Saxon Geometry Homeschool Testing Book contains cumulative tests, answer forms for students to show their work...


Geometry: Seeing, Doing, Understanding Teacher Guide

he unique instructional method within Harold Jacobs' geometry course ensures students understand both the "why" and "how" of geometry. Geometry: Seeing, Doing, Understanding Teacher Guide is a key component of the curriculum and includes the following:

  • A convenient daily sch...

Geometry: Seeing, Doing, Understanding Solutions Manual

The Geometry: Seeing, Doing, Understanding Solutions Manual is an essential component of the Jacobs geometry curriculum and is created to expand your student's understanding of the key processes taught in the text. In fact, the manual provides more than mere answers to the problems, but ...

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