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Novare Introductory Physics You Teach Kit

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SKU: 680040
$289.00 $325.70


Designed for 9th- to 11th-graders, Introductory Physics incorporates math, history, and epistemology, making it the perfect text to draw students upward into the adult world of scientific investigation. This course is ideal for the "physics first" high school sequence, which places a physics-based course in the freshman year, but will also serve sophomores and juniors well. The Novare Introductory Physics You Teach Kit comprises these essentials:

  • The mastery-oriented student text, which covers key topics that include motion; energy; momentum; atoms, matter, and substances; heat and temperature; waves, sound, and light; electricity; DC circuits; and fields and magnetism. Two optional, more challenging chapters on buoyancy and geometric optics are included for older students.
  • The Digital Resources for Introductory Physics includes a course overview, quizzes, semester exams, keys, weekly review guides, and more.
  • The Solutions Manual to Accompany Introductory Physics contains worked-out solutions to calculation exercises. This helpful book allows students to see the mathematical steps for solving chapter problems but does not give them answers to assessments.
  • The Experiments for Introductory Physics and ASPC volume provides the complete teacher's instructions for conducting lab experiments for this course. The six experiments are designed to teach proper laboratory skills and methods, illustrate concepts in physics, and stimulate students with interesting scientific activity. Each chapter typically includes learning objectives, materials list, experimental purpose, scientific overview, pre-lab discussion points, student instructions, any safety concerns, and discussion of the use of any special apparatus.

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