Novare Introductory Physics Student Text
The Novare Introductory Physics Student Text employs a mastery approach to learning science, helping students break the cram-pass-forget cycle and really retain course content. This approach covers fewer topics but covers them more deeply. Integration is another distinctive of Novare's approach, weaving math, history, philosophy, and English language usage in with science. Just as importantly, the book is written from a Biblical worldview and seeks to help students see God in creation.
This course is ideal for the "physics first" high school sequence, which places a physics-based course in the freshman year, but will also serve sophomores and juniors well. Students should have completed or be enrolled concurrently in Algebra I. This 3rd edition, featuring colorful graphics and lucid writing, covers key topics that include motion; energy; momentum; atoms, matter, and substances; heat and temperature; waves, sound, and light; electricity; DC circuits; and fields and magnetism. Two optional, more challenging chapters on buoyancy and geometric optics are included for older students.