Omnibus VI Primary - Live Course Kit/You Teach Kit
The Omnibus VI Primary - Live Course & You Teach kit contains the materials you will need to teach the course to one student at home or what a student taking the class live will need. Like Omnibus III Primary, the course focuses on great works of the modern world. However, the material is more advanced.
This Kit Includes the Following (click to view individually):
- 000960 - Omnibus VI Text and Teacher Materials
- 255100 - Brave New World
- 305020 - All Quiet on the Western Front (6P)
- 305361 - I Have a Dream (6P)
- 305474 - Origin and Principles of the American Revolution (6P)
- 305596 - Wealth of Nations (6P)
- 341040 - One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (6P)
- 420060 - Battle Cry of Freedom
- 435020 - Adventures of Huck Finn (6P)
- 435229 - Democracy in America (6P)
- 435359 - Emma (6P)
- 435626 - Leviathan (6P)
- 435710 - Moby Dick (6P)
- 435720 - Notes from Underground (6P)
- 435765 - Paradise Lost
- 435766 - Pensees (6P)
- 435775 - The Portable Enlightenment Reader (6P)
- 435830 - Robinson Crusoe (6P)
- 490115 - Beyond Good & Evil (6P)
- 490805 - The Stranger (6P)
- 520160 - Citizen Soldiers (6P)
- 520750 - The Sun Also Rises (6P)