Algebra II - Best - Foerster - Live Online
IMPORTANT - You will need to purchase/register for the live course SEPARATELY. This price does not include the cost of the live course.
This is what we deem our standard "Best" option for Math in 9th Grade. This option utilizes the "Live Online" method, where your student will take an online course through Veritas Scholars Academy.
NOTE: This textbook is currently unavailable, but we are working with publishers for a solution. You can still choose this option to secure the Complete Package discount and we will contact you when we have more information.
Like Algebra I, Algebra II continues to build a solid mathematical foundation in preparation for more advanced concepts as well as building reasoning skills during the dialectic stage. However, this is far more than an introductory level-course, as students continue to develop advanced knowledge of Algebra as an individual subject. Topics include review of Algebra I concepts; functions; systems of linear equations and inequalities; quadratic functions and complex numbers; exponential and logarithmic functions; and rational and irrational algebraic functions. The text was written by Paul Foerster, a student of Harold Jacobs who authored our Algebra I and Geometry texts. Its also used for Pre-calculus and clearly presents concepts that can often seem quite opaque to learners. While many people mistakenly characterize Algebra as easier or simpler than some of its more “elite” cousins, such as Calculus or Statistics, Algebra is an equally compelling branch of study, and this course shows students how to appreciate this.