Rhetoric I - Best - Live Online
IMPORTANT - You will need to purchase/register for the live course SEPARATELY. This price does not include the cost of the live course.
This is what we deem our "Best" option for Rhetoric in 10th Grade. This option utilizes the "Live Online" method, where your student will take an online course through Veritas Scholars Academy.
The culminating discipline of the Trivium, rhetoric builds upon the skills learned in logic and teaches the student to speak and write in a cohesive, persuasive, and winsome manner. This course develops students' communication abilities through the ancient art of rhetoric. Students learn what rhetoric is, why it is an essential tool in several situations, how to analyze those situations and their audiences, and how to craft several types of messages using the diverse resources of the classical rhetorical canon. Student’s will wrestle with questions like: How ought Christ’s followers to try to persuade others? How should their rhetorical efforts look different from those of the world around? How can they seek to persuade with empathy, understanding, compassion? How can they both speak to others and listen to them?Jesus called us all to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. A Veritas approach to rhetoric asks how we can do that in our speaking and writing and living. Veritas rhetoric equips students to adorn truthful words with beauty. Veritas rhetoric equips students to have something worthwhile to say and to say it well. Every classically educated student should take this class!