Novare General Chemistry Student Text - 3rd Edition

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Designed for high school students, this chemistry course combines mastery, integration, and Kingdom perspective to draw students into scientific inquiry and break the cram-pass-forget cycle to truly learn and retain course material. The 2nd edition of the Novare General Chemistry Student Text, written in a fresh, lucid style, integrates related subjects right into the narrative to protect the course from seeming compartmentalized from other subjects. That's certainly not how the real world is. Real chemists use math and writing skills every day. Their knowledge about how the scientific enterprise works is greatly enhanced by their knowledge of great scientists who came before. The text also guides students to do science from the faith-informed perspective of disciples of Christ studying God's created order, observing order in the universe, how nature submits to scientific study and modeling, and the fitness of creation as a habitat for humanity and animal life.

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Product Data

Format: Hardcover
Publisher: Novare
Page Count: 432

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