Composition Volume I - Teacher's Edition (eBook)
Composition Volume I: Invention and Persuasion - Teacher's Edition (eBook) is a companion text. It gives guidance and suggestions on how to teach the student text. Its notes, plans, and assessments inform and advise.
Having a substantial grasp of English grammar and sentence structure, your students are ready to learn to compose in various writing formats. It's the time to take off the writing training wheels. Creating short stories, personal stories, persuasive essays, crafted narratives, and other writing forms will help them develop their skills. Composition I teaches them to turn phrases and lead readers of their writing through a cleverly composed piece.
Veritas and the publishers of WORLD Magazine have partnered to create a text that challenges students to engage in purposeful writing. Rather than rely on the canned assignments common in other curricula, the text tackles the fundamentals of essay writing and persuasion as well as introduces students to the power of storytelling. Students will learn not only how to argue for their beliefs, but how to express themselves in their own, unique voice.
Students and their families will find here the helpful preparation they will need as Christian wordsmiths, both in their undergraduate and more advanced studies and later on in the workplace. In those regards, this manual has no equal. —Joel Belz, Founder of WORLD Magazine
This eBook is made available through VitalSource.
*Please note that this eBook is non-refundable and is intended for viewing in the Bookshelf reader app. Printing capability is limited and is not recommended. Only two pages may be printed at one time, and they will include a faint watermark across the center of the page that says "Do Not Copy." If you want a printed version, please consider purchasing the physical textbook rather than this eBook.