Composition II Teacher Edition
This is the teacher edition of Composition II.
Building on the skills developed in Composition I, students will continue to develop the power of storytelling in Composition II. They will enjoy a sense of mastery of engaging the reader with their writing. Twenty-first-century students already embrace the power of written communication. They welcome it with every text they send and every email they receive. Here, they harness a voice that will build in and through them for a lifetime.
Veritas Press and the publishers of WORLD Magazine have partnered again to create a text, Composition Volume II: Analysis and Interpretation, that challenges students to engage in purposeful writing.
"Students and their families will find here the helpful preparation they will need as Christian wordsmiths, both in their undergraduate and more advanced studies and later on in the workplace. In those regards this manual has no equal." —Joel Belz, WORLD Magazine