Algebra I - Good - Jacobs - You Teach
This is what we deem our standard "Good" option for Math in 7th Grade. This option utilizes the "You Teach" method, which is a term we have coined for traditional, parent-taught homeschooling.
As a vital means for developing reasoning skills, mathematics plays an important part in every student’s dialectic years. In order to harness this period of growth, we have adopted curriculum by Harold Jacobs — a scholar and educator who well understands the needs of the dialectic student — as the backbone of this course. Topics include factoring; rational expressions; systems of equations; lines; solving linear, fractional and quadratic equations; solving inequalities; rational and irrational numbers; and exponents, including negative exponents. On a larger scale, the concepts taught in Algebra I serve as a solid foundation upon which students will build a more advanced knowledge of mathematics, and this course is the perfect vehicle for delivering.