1815 to Present Combined You Teach Kit
The course kit includes all the materials for the teacher and students in both the level 1 (grades 2 &3) and the level 2 (grades 4-6) for teaching our 1815 to Present course. The references and historic fiction include only one copy if otherwise duplicated. Note that only one set of timeline cards is included. We recommend one per student.
This Kit Includes the Following (click to view individually):
- 000500 - 1815 to the Present Cards
- 000501 - 1815 to the Present Song CD
- 000505 - 1815 to Present Teacher Manual Homeschool Version
- 000983 - Pages of History 2: Blazing New Trails
- 004580 - Boy in the Alamo
- 021190 - Journey to America
- 023100 - Pecos Bill: The Greatest Cowboy
- 135030 - Child's Story of America
- 135035 - Children of the Covered Wagon
- 135040 - Iron Scouts of the Confederacy
- 170021 - The Courage and Character of Theodore Roosevelt
- 180375 - First Flight
- 190900 - With Lee in Virginia
- 227500 - Mercedes & the Chocolate Pilot
- 250315 - Hitch
- 255250 - Dust for Dinner
- 255271 - Follow the Drinking Gourd
- 255540 - The Long Way to a New Land
- 287396E - Historical Timeline Figures (Download)
- 287737E - Record of Time Timeline Notebook (Printable Download)
- 287848E - Suggested Placement Guide (Printable Download)
- 310130 - It Began With a Parachute
- 315322 - Advanced US Hist-based Teacher Combo
- 318051 - The Hiding Place
- 340021 - Kingfisher History Encyclopedia 3rd Ed.
- 375800 - Sergeant York & the Great War
- 420130 - History of US: Age of Extremes
- 420141 - History of US: All the People
- 420160 - History of US: Liberty for All
- 420180 - History of US: Reconstructing America
- 420210 - History of US: The New Nation
- 420220 - History of US: War, Terrible War
- 420230 - History of US: War, Peace & All That Jazz
- 435150 - Bound for Oregon
- 435566 - Just a Few Words, Mr. Lincoln
- 435848 - Cowboys
- 435849 - Bully forYou, Teddy Roosevelt!
- 435920 - Twenty & Ten
- 490095 - Basher Five-Two
- 490400 - Eat My Dust!
- 490530 - Gettysburg
- 490550 - Hannah
- 490650 - Moonwalk
- 490698 - Next Spring an Oriole
- 490733 - Pioneer Cat
- 490801 - Soft Rain
- 490850 - The Trail of Tears
- 490935 - Wright Brothers by Reynolds
- 510111 - Journey of a Pioneer
- 520011 - Amazing Imposs. Erie Canal
- L06110 - 1815 to Present - Lesson Plans
Show Me More
- 1815 to Present Flashcards
- 1815 to Present Teacher Manual Homeschool
- Pages of History 2: Blazing New Trails
- Journey to America
- A Child's Story of America
- Children of the Covered Wagon
- Iron Scouts of the Confederacy
- With Lee in Virginia
- Basher Five-Two
- Eat My Dust! Henry Ford's First Race - Step into Reading Step 3
- Gettysburg
- Hannah: A Young Girl with Big Dreams
- Moonwalk: The First Trip to the Moon - Step into Reading Step 5
- Next Spring an Oriole
- Pioneer Cat
- Soft Rain: A Story of the Cherokee Trail of Tears
- Trail of Tears - Step into Reading Step 5
- The Wright Brothers: Pioneers of American Aviation
- The Amazing Impossible Erie Canal
- History - 1815 to Present - Lesson Plans